Patients Rights:

  • Know the mission statement of the company and type of services provided.
  • Know your rights and responsibilities.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with professional standards for all patient regardless of the manner of payment, race, gender, nationality and religion, culture, disability, or and any other factor.
  • Receive care that is considerate, respectful of the patients values and beliefs.
  • Receive care that is free of abuse, exploitation, retaliation, humiliation, and neglect.
  • Have patients property treated with respect.
  • Receive health care on the basis of clinical need.
  • Provided Arabic/ English interpreter, and all the language barriers will be accommodated based upon availability of translation resources.
  • End-of-life Care, that is respectful and compassionate.


  • Receive urgent care and referral to a hospital for emergency treatment when required.
  • Be referred to a specialist/ consultant for special care when there is a clinical need.
  • Receive a detailed explanation of their care, treatment and after care, in simple terms in order that the patient can fully understand.
  • Be advised in advance of the right to participate in planning care or treatment and in planning changes in care before the changes is made.
  • Informed consent for treatment procedures, interventions, concurrent services, and release of information as per HAAD Consent Policy. ( Reference PPR/ HCP/ P0003/ 07).
  • Right to request an alternative service delivery staff .
  • Receive verbal and written information about any proposed treatment and to be told if there are any alternative available.
  • Right to a second opinion or to have his/her care transferred to another physician if the patient is not satisfied with the care or opinion provided.
  • Have the freedom to choose pharmaceutical care provider.
  • Receive relevant, current and his/her understandable information concerning his/her drugs and treatment.
  • Discuss and request information related to additional drugs prescribed by the Company’s doctor, his/her specific drug therapy, possible adverse side effects, and drug interactions. Medication prescribed by the hospital’s treating physician should be discussed at the time of prescription.
  • Have drug therapy monitored for safety and efficacy and for the Company to make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent drug allergies, adverse reactions or contraindications.
  • For the Company to monitor the patient’s compliance and proper drug use and institute remedial interventions when necessary.
  • Refuse to participate in investigational, experimental, research or clinical trials.
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